Alternative News Networks Reported that for two hours on April 23rd 2016, the earth's "Magnetosphere" appeared to COLLAPSE. That morning at 01:37:05 eastern US Time, which is 05:37:05 UTC, satellites from the NASA Space Weather Prediction Center detected a complete collapse of earth's magnetosphere! An event in which NASA has reported is just all an error. [5]
NASA's official explanation is that the satellite data was in errored and as such they have deleted the 2 hour span of time which depicted to us a terrifying collapse of the earth's magnetic field. The same explanation given to every other unusual reading from the ACE System in the past.
But wait there's more. There's a few complications with N.A.S.A.'s suggested reasoning along with a lot of misinformation about the event being circulated, here we will dive into the mystery to explain the facts out. [4]
But wait there's more. There's a few complications with N.A.S.A.'s suggested reasoning along with a lot of misinformation about the event being circulated, here we will dive into the mystery to explain the facts out. [4]
Plotted on this page is the real-time solar wind from the ACE satellite (link is external). Available plots include data from one or more of the four ACE instruments that are sent from the spacecraft in real-time.
The data that was being presented in repetition was.
The ACE satellite was launched in 1997 and has been providing real-time data for use in forecasting to NOAA since 1998. NOAA provided funds for the modification of the ACE transmitter to enable the broadcast of the real-time data and also funds to the instrument teams to provide the algorithms for processing the real-time data.
The four instruments for which data are available are:
The data that was being presented in repetition was.
The ACE satellite was launched in 1997 and has been providing real-time data for use in forecasting to NOAA since 1998. NOAA provided funds for the modification of the ACE transmitter to enable the broadcast of the real-time data and also funds to the instrument teams to provide the algorithms for processing the real-time data.
The four instruments for which data are available are:
- Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (EPAM) of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory(link is external)
- Magnetic Field (MAG) of the University of Delaware Bartol Research Institute and subsequently University of New Hampshire(link is external)
- Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS) of the California Institute of Technology(link is external)
- Solar Wind Electron Proton and Alpha Monitor (SWEPAM) of the Los Alamos National Laboratory [1]
It was designed using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the Fortran90 standard and executes on a massively parallel computer system.
The BATS-R-US code solves 3D MHD equations in finite volume form using numerical methods related to Roe's Approximate Riemann Solver. BATSRUS uses an adaptive grid composed of rectangular blocks arranged in varying degrees of spatial refinement levels. The magnetospheric MHD part is attached to an ionospheric potential solver that provides electric potentials and conductances in the ionosphere from magnetospheric field-aligned currents.
The BATS-R-US model is part of the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF).
BATS-R-US request runs for the magnetosphere are now executed using SWMF/GM (coupled with SWMF/IE).A SWMF run of the magnetosphere at CCMC can include the Rice Convection Model (RCM) in the inner magnetosphere(SWMF/IM) in addition to the BATS-R-US MHD module of the global magnetosphere (GM) and the ionospheric electrodynamics (IE) potential solver.
If a SWMF/(BATSRUS + RCM)run is requested, the RCM modifies the plasma pressure distribution in the inner magnetosphere and changes the resulting field-aligned currents in the ionosphere (yields more realistic Region-1 currents). The RCM inside SWMF does not generate any outputs. [2]
In short, Batsrus takes the data from the ACE System first mentioned above and models it into a visual representation of the data in realtime. On April 23rd 2016 at 05:37:05 UTC NASA Reports 2 hours of the data was incorrect showing the massive drop in magnetic field outline visually represented in the model. [1] [2]
The models works much more on the input from the interaction of the solar wind being diverted around the planet and the pattern or fingerprint in which our field produces as the high energy particles are pushed around it. [1] [2]
But there is one massive problem with the NASA explanation, they have only pulled 2 hours of the data and deemed in error where is anyone who critically inspects the data previously and afterwards would notice a pattern far longer than 2 hours long but instead almost a full 12 hours with only 2 of those hours representing false data.
The BATS-R-US code solves 3D MHD equations in finite volume form using numerical methods related to Roe's Approximate Riemann Solver. BATSRUS uses an adaptive grid composed of rectangular blocks arranged in varying degrees of spatial refinement levels. The magnetospheric MHD part is attached to an ionospheric potential solver that provides electric potentials and conductances in the ionosphere from magnetospheric field-aligned currents.
The BATS-R-US model is part of the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF).
BATS-R-US request runs for the magnetosphere are now executed using SWMF/GM (coupled with SWMF/IE).A SWMF run of the magnetosphere at CCMC can include the Rice Convection Model (RCM) in the inner magnetosphere(SWMF/IM) in addition to the BATS-R-US MHD module of the global magnetosphere (GM) and the ionospheric electrodynamics (IE) potential solver.
If a SWMF/(BATSRUS + RCM)run is requested, the RCM modifies the plasma pressure distribution in the inner magnetosphere and changes the resulting field-aligned currents in the ionosphere (yields more realistic Region-1 currents). The RCM inside SWMF does not generate any outputs. [2]
In short, Batsrus takes the data from the ACE System first mentioned above and models it into a visual representation of the data in realtime. On April 23rd 2016 at 05:37:05 UTC NASA Reports 2 hours of the data was incorrect showing the massive drop in magnetic field outline visually represented in the model. [1] [2]
The models works much more on the input from the interaction of the solar wind being diverted around the planet and the pattern or fingerprint in which our field produces as the high energy particles are pushed around it. [1] [2]
But there is one massive problem with the NASA explanation, they have only pulled 2 hours of the data and deemed in error where is anyone who critically inspects the data previously and afterwards would notice a pattern far longer than 2 hours long but instead almost a full 12 hours with only 2 of those hours representing false data.

This is the data which i find most interesting and telling. The solar wind speed, temperature and density were all reading this pattern on the way to a complete halt for far more than 2 hours and by my estimation much closer to 12 hours of the same pattern up until the 2 hours that nasa has deleted. [1]
This reasoning by nasa that only 2 hours of a process which was occurring for 12 hours is flawed by the rest is accurate is about the most far fetched thing i thought i'd ever hear from them. Data cannot just be discounted when it passes the point which contradicts your understanding but acceptable as long as it remains within the bounds of dogma.
This does not meet the required standard to be deemed a scientific explanation or fact.
More disturbing is the Cern (Large Hadron Collider (LHC)) Data captured from its live feed (which is no longer reviewable after 24 hours) the machine Juicing up to full power at the same period which the solar wind was displaying a slowdown in solar wind speed, drop in solar wind temperature and increase in particle density around the planet. [6] [7]
During the same time period which CERN (Large Hadron Collider (LHC)) was at full power data readings went haywire and in turn the BATS-R-US System also displayed completely abnormal data appearing as if we had no magnetic field deviation pattern of solar wind around the planet along with the wind itself flipping directions. This would be astronomically unlikely if the 2 events were not directly linked. [6] [7]
During the same time period which CERN (Large Hadron Collider (LHC)) was at full power data readings went haywire and in turn the BATS-R-US System also displayed completely abnormal data appearing as if we had no magnetic field deviation pattern of solar wind around the planet along with the wind itself flipping directions. This would be astronomically unlikely if the 2 events were not directly linked. [6] [7]
In the past since the start of the (Large Hadron Collider (LHC)) programs, researchers and scientists the world around have warned of the devastating effects which are capable from the operating of the machine.
It operates with a magnetic field 100,000 x stronger than the earth's own magnetic field with the obvious side effect of interacting with the rest of the magnetic fields in the vicinity of the planet. The solar wind itself is a massive electromagnetic system which it is more than obvious something went on. [3]
From the data available it would suggest that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is capable of changing the magnetopause surrounding the earth completely restructuring its normal make up which it would seem nasa has failed to do a proper job at covering it up from the public as they did before. This proclaim hunt for fundamentals particles may leave the planet we live on in the long run uninhabitable and dependent on machines like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to sustain another protective system to our planet, the astrosphere. [9]
Without the magnetic field of the planet active as it has always been the planet is open to bombardment from highly charged solar radiation which would strip away the atmosphere of the planet day by day while it is exposed. The only solution then is to self generate a field with a device that would do the same thing as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a point missed by the conspiracy theorist to immediately divert all dialogue into pseudo scientific propaganda and aliens, 5th dimensions and ancient prophecies the effect of which results in the full cover-up. [8]
We have a few more ideas and options but I'm going to leave it to "TyrannyUnamsked" to bring you up to date as we have a second matter to address. A False Debunking video which was a lot like Ben From Suspicious observer was looking to shoot himself in the foot and we are taking up a minute to point out how and why. [10] [11] [12] [13]
It operates with a magnetic field 100,000 x stronger than the earth's own magnetic field with the obvious side effect of interacting with the rest of the magnetic fields in the vicinity of the planet. The solar wind itself is a massive electromagnetic system which it is more than obvious something went on. [3]
From the data available it would suggest that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is capable of changing the magnetopause surrounding the earth completely restructuring its normal make up which it would seem nasa has failed to do a proper job at covering it up from the public as they did before. This proclaim hunt for fundamentals particles may leave the planet we live on in the long run uninhabitable and dependent on machines like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to sustain another protective system to our planet, the astrosphere. [9]
Without the magnetic field of the planet active as it has always been the planet is open to bombardment from highly charged solar radiation which would strip away the atmosphere of the planet day by day while it is exposed. The only solution then is to self generate a field with a device that would do the same thing as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a point missed by the conspiracy theorist to immediately divert all dialogue into pseudo scientific propaganda and aliens, 5th dimensions and ancient prophecies the effect of which results in the full cover-up. [8]
We have a few more ideas and options but I'm going to leave it to "TyrannyUnamsked" to bring you up to date as we have a second matter to address. A False Debunking video which was a lot like Ben From Suspicious observer was looking to shoot himself in the foot and we are taking up a minute to point out how and why. [10] [11] [12] [13]
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- ACE Details -
- Magnetics In LHC -
- - BP EarthWatch
- Alarming 2 Hour Collapse of Earth's Shields/180' Waves/Atlantic - BP EarthWatch
- CERN is Creating the Spaceship Shields of the Future -
- Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field - NASA.GOV
- The Interplanetary Magnetic Field -
- Equatorial ionospheric anomaly and interplanetary magnetic field - Journal of Geophysical research / Space Physics
- Formation of downstream high-speed jets by a rippled nonstationary quasi-parallel shock: 2-D hybrid simulations - Journal of Geophysical research / Space Physics
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