For a long time now i have been one of the most Anti-Zionist supporters of the Palestinians and if it was not for myself being a hebrew one may claim anti-Semitism rivaling the greatest of all time.
However much of my stronger rhetoric i've given up on and for a better way, possibly a way that may end up a solution, instead of the ongoing genocide we see today.
I've been one to say "bulldozer them into the ocean the same way they bulldozed others homes into sand", "The Zionists can stay on the 2% of land they brought freely, but the rest that was taken by force or mandate they must forfeit" Fife to say neither of these will ever happen, so why say them at all.
With the election of trump i'm almost certain it will not be good for Palestine cause, he seems highly devoted to propping up israeli higher than it already is and instead of waiting for 4 or 8 more years to go by for possibly someone new to have a different position, why don't we just change gears to something that might work.
At the end of the day i want a solution and that's going to take concessions from both side. Over many hours days and weeks i have concluded their is a much better way neither side seems to mention.
However much of my stronger rhetoric i've given up on and for a better way, possibly a way that may end up a solution, instead of the ongoing genocide we see today.
I've been one to say "bulldozer them into the ocean the same way they bulldozed others homes into sand", "The Zionists can stay on the 2% of land they brought freely, but the rest that was taken by force or mandate they must forfeit" Fife to say neither of these will ever happen, so why say them at all.
With the election of trump i'm almost certain it will not be good for Palestine cause, he seems highly devoted to propping up israeli higher than it already is and instead of waiting for 4 or 8 more years to go by for possibly someone new to have a different position, why don't we just change gears to something that might work.
At the end of the day i want a solution and that's going to take concessions from both side. Over many hours days and weeks i have concluded their is a much better way neither side seems to mention.
Now this solution of mine has many many parts I know.
Many many of them will leave you holding your breath until you fully hear me out.
One of the first parts i will start with is what the Zionists want and what is enevadovable they will get, one way or another which has always been my issue with them.
Whether we like it or not Zionism will get not just Israel, but the greater Israel it has envisioned since its start.
Everyone and anyone in the world can try to stop it but this will never be enough.
So how may this transition take place leaving the Palestinians better off then their current position and so much so they will be able to forget the wrongs done by the Israelis for so long.
Many of you may be wanting a 2 state solution but unless you split the country north to south its an impossible realisation so 2 states wont work and thats that.
It's a 1 state solution and only a one state solution that can work, not because the almighty me has decided so but because the way the land is positioned.
So how do we get to 1 state?
What must happen before Zionists and Palestinians can live beside each other and break bread?
The only way I see this is uniting the 2 is that all the Palestinians need a path to citizenship as Israelis and there's not a real other way to go about it.
Immediately i hear the cries of Zionists the world around shouting they will kill them, they will destroy everything. WE CAN NOT LET THEM IN.
Well i have to ask all of you a question for yourself.
Was it not many of your own families who were brutalised throughout Poland and germany and elsewhere that after the war still stayed in those lands for some longer than others? Why did you do it then?
It's really rather simple a feet for people guiding so much power around the world.
You were offered safety and reparations for the damage that was done, not making it right but allowing you the basics to move on past your grief.
Who will pay the reparations you may ask?
Well not the Israelis but the countries that mandated, funded and ensured the creation of Israel without consent of the people already living there.
As the UN later did much of the work, break it up across the un, give them a check and let them get on about life.
I know most of you may not think it's that easy but it is, offer them the chance at a better life, safety and reparations for what they have already endured and within a generation this will be old news.
The areas in all the occupied lands, this same solution i would recommend be extended giving Israel about half of its greater Israel project it seeks but with no dyeing by anyones hands. The Saudis seem would be complacent in this in even further extent barging up into the destabilized areas along Syria and Iraq borders giving the Israelis about 75% of all the land they will kill for to get.
It's not that i suddenly became pro Zionist, i was always in support of an idea of Israel, but not by the means the Zionists have implemented, additionally some say they have co opted a name that does not belong to them and if so it is for the True people of Israel to shine through and bring peace.
So i call on supporters of Palestine to change gears,
Too rethink what's best for the Palestinians in the long run and what will keep them from further generations of subhuman standards of living.
And for all you Zionist out their if you want this to happen we all know you'll make it happen practically overnight, you want greater Israel then stop diddle daddling and start playing the game a way that the people will not resist. You get everything you want, more land, a greater population, loyal citizens and well ya. I think you get the point by now.
Let me know what you think in the comment section below.
Many many of them will leave you holding your breath until you fully hear me out.
One of the first parts i will start with is what the Zionists want and what is enevadovable they will get, one way or another which has always been my issue with them.
Whether we like it or not Zionism will get not just Israel, but the greater Israel it has envisioned since its start.
Everyone and anyone in the world can try to stop it but this will never be enough.
So how may this transition take place leaving the Palestinians better off then their current position and so much so they will be able to forget the wrongs done by the Israelis for so long.
Many of you may be wanting a 2 state solution but unless you split the country north to south its an impossible realisation so 2 states wont work and thats that.
It's a 1 state solution and only a one state solution that can work, not because the almighty me has decided so but because the way the land is positioned.
So how do we get to 1 state?
What must happen before Zionists and Palestinians can live beside each other and break bread?
The only way I see this is uniting the 2 is that all the Palestinians need a path to citizenship as Israelis and there's not a real other way to go about it.
Immediately i hear the cries of Zionists the world around shouting they will kill them, they will destroy everything. WE CAN NOT LET THEM IN.
Well i have to ask all of you a question for yourself.
Was it not many of your own families who were brutalised throughout Poland and germany and elsewhere that after the war still stayed in those lands for some longer than others? Why did you do it then?
It's really rather simple a feet for people guiding so much power around the world.
You were offered safety and reparations for the damage that was done, not making it right but allowing you the basics to move on past your grief.
Who will pay the reparations you may ask?
Well not the Israelis but the countries that mandated, funded and ensured the creation of Israel without consent of the people already living there.
As the UN later did much of the work, break it up across the un, give them a check and let them get on about life.
I know most of you may not think it's that easy but it is, offer them the chance at a better life, safety and reparations for what they have already endured and within a generation this will be old news.
The areas in all the occupied lands, this same solution i would recommend be extended giving Israel about half of its greater Israel project it seeks but with no dyeing by anyones hands. The Saudis seem would be complacent in this in even further extent barging up into the destabilized areas along Syria and Iraq borders giving the Israelis about 75% of all the land they will kill for to get.
It's not that i suddenly became pro Zionist, i was always in support of an idea of Israel, but not by the means the Zionists have implemented, additionally some say they have co opted a name that does not belong to them and if so it is for the True people of Israel to shine through and bring peace.
So i call on supporters of Palestine to change gears,
Too rethink what's best for the Palestinians in the long run and what will keep them from further generations of subhuman standards of living.
And for all you Zionist out their if you want this to happen we all know you'll make it happen practically overnight, you want greater Israel then stop diddle daddling and start playing the game a way that the people will not resist. You get everything you want, more land, a greater population, loyal citizens and well ya. I think you get the point by now.
Let me know what you think in the comment section below.
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